Positive Language Project

Download these free resource cards, which are aimed at
changing the autism narrative through positive language choices.

Words possess immense power; they can either uplift children, or they can pull them down.

The negative undertones within words and phrases can profoundly impact a child’s sense of self-worth. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the way
neurodivergent children are currently described.

Positive Language Project

Word choice not only affects how we perceive ourselves but also influences how we interact with others and the world around us. When a child is described as having a deficit or a disorder – that is how they are viewed by others around them. Limiting language can confine and restrict, creating barriers that hinder personal growth and development.

By selecting supportive language, we can contribute to building a foundation of encouragement and empowerment. These words bolster self-esteem and create a positive environment, nurturing a mindset of optimism.

The Positive Language Project aims to change the way we speak about neurodivergence.

Download these free resource cards, which are aimed at changing the autism narrative through positive language choices.

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